Invoice for gtt - misc testing and bug pursuit

You don't want to send this invoice to your customers without at least putting your logo on the top. To do that, you will have to modify the invoice report template. Changing it is easy: make a copy of the file invoice.ghtml (probably in /usr/share/gtt/ghtml/C/invoice.ghtml), and edit it to suit your needs. The templates are raw HTML, so you do need to know a bit of that to do anything fancy. If you're adventurous, you can modify the column layout and order.

When finished, you can add your new report to your system by picking the menu item "Reports... New Report".

Billable, Unpaid Work Items

Work Item Billing Status Billable Bill Rate Total Time Value Billable Value
gnome 2 cleanup Bill Billable Regular 05:13:31 $156.76 $156.76
egg tray icon Bill Billable Regular 02:00:45 $60.38 $60.38
poke, prod, test, debug, fix Bill Billable Regular 07:52:54 $236.45 $236.45
Core dump on prefs Bill Billable Regular 02:04:08 $62.07 $62.07
clock not ticking!!! Bill Billable Regular 02:14:47 $67.40 $67.40

Billable, Paid Work Items

The table below shows work items that have been paid:
Work Item Billing Status Billable Bill Rate Total Time Value Billable Value
prefs bogosity Paid Billable Regular 01:08:50 $34.42 $34.42

Billable, Held Tasks

The table below shows only the items withheld from billing:
Work Item Billing Status Billable Bill Rate Total Time Value Billable Value
Shiver me timbers Hold Billable Regular 04:37:35 $138.80 $138.80

To create more specialized filters to show more complex combinations of work items, you will have to do some hacking in scheme. Go into the gtt.scm file, make a copy of the 'gtt-filter-paid-tasks' routine, and start hacking. Please post new/improved filters to the GnoTime patch repositiory at so that they can be included in future versions.

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